inno³ is an independent consulting firm specialized in open models acting at the crossroads of private (industrial and social economy), public (administrations and communities) and community actors.
Intimately convinced of the economic and social virtues of a collaborative and sustainable system, we rely on a multidisciplinary team that is actively involved in favor of a greater democratization of open and collaborative models.
Who are we?
We are a team of passionate people combining complementary expertise in favor of a greater democratization of open and collaborative models.
Based on more than ten years of experience with companies and public organizations, our ambition is to offer high value-added services that allow us to address the issues raised by open models in a sustainable manner.
We intervene in multiple sectors, collaborating with specialists in different fields to enable them to fully benefit from the opportunities that digital technology opens up as new resources produced or received (Open Source, Open Data and Open Hardware) as well as opportunities for systemic approaches (Open Innovation, Open Science and Digital Commons).
Addressing collaboration from a licensing (and therefore rights management), product (project management) and contribution optimization (human management) point of view, we intervene in the form of change management, awareness and training of managers and employees.
The firm’s roots
The years 2000-2010 represent the first concrete actions and experiences carried out by our consultants in the Open Source and Open Data communities. This period was notably reflected by the foundation of the Veni, Vidi, Libri Association in 2006 (popularization and dissemination of knowledge about free licenses).
These years also saw the first experiments with the creation of a series of training modules dedicated to the legal and community aspects of Open Source, and the launch of the first Legal Center for Open Source.
Creation of the firm
- It was time to go beyond the purely legal aspects of Open Source strategies, by pooling together multiple complementary skills.
Opening of Paris offices and business themes
- inno³ expanded and developed new consulting and business services. Development of inno³’s activity through “business-oriented” partnerships in the fields of education, transport and geomatics.
Overall expansion
- Launch of the inno’vents and the inno’thèque to maximize the sharing of our reflections and practices.
- Very prolific moments, rich in meetings and conviviality.
Offices open at “le 137”
- A new year full of bets: launch of 137 in a more community-oriented approach (new premises of 250 m²), co-chairing of the Open Source Summit 2016 and two new recruits.
- Strong presence with the Open Government Partnership as part of the presidency of the Open Source Summit.
Development of research activity
- Formalization of a recognized scientific activity on open science and the digital commons with the arrival of Célya and Vincent.
- Consolidation of open source tools and our online animation methods (#Covid). Launch of the Open ESR meetings and the partnership with COSO.
Integration of design and sustainability in our practices
- Development of a Design approach with the arrival of Romain, and a stronger implication on the sustainability of open projects, notably with the launch of the Hermine project led by Camille.
- It was also an opportunity to take stock of our activities by marking our 10 years of practice.
Meet our team
Discover our partners

European Space Agency
ESA is an intergovernmental space agency that coordinates space projects carried out jointly by some twenty European countries. Metadata

Ministry of higher education and research (France)
The French Ministry of Higher Education and Research is in charge of the elaboration and implementation of the Government’s policy […]

The Maintainers
The Maintainers is a global research network interested in the concepts of maintenance, infrastructure, repair, and the myriad forms of […]

Ford Foundation
The Ford Foundation is an American private foundation, created in 1936 by Edsel Ford and his father Henry Ford, with […]

Société Générale
Société Générale is a European financial services group.Based on a diversified universal banking model, the Group combines financial strength with […]

Squid Solution
Squid Solutions is an innovative technology company in the field of analytics in a Big Data environment, offering end-to-end analytical […]

BlueMind is an open source enterprise email, calendar and collaboration software suite using JavaScript and HTML5. It is also the […]

Région Île-de-France
The Île-de-France Regional Council is the deliberative assembly of the French region Île-de-France, a decentralized territorial authority acting on the […]

National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology. INRIA is a public research institution dedicated to digital sciences, whose […]

The SNCF is a French public railway company, active in the fields of passenger and freight transport. The company is […]
The Agency for the Environment and Energy Management is a French public establishment of an industrial and commercial nature created […]

Calypso Networks Association
Calypso Networks Association (CNA) is the union of users of the Calypso standard. It includes both operators and transit authorities, […]

Decathlon is a French sports and leisure retailer, founded in 1976 by Michel Leclercq. Metadata

The National Center for Space Studies (CNES) is a public industrial and commercial establishment (EPIC) in charge of elaborating and […]

The National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) is the largest French public scientific research organization. It is active in all […]

Open Space Makers
Initiated by the French space agency CNES, the ‘FEDERATION – Open Space Makers’ initiative aims to create a framework and […]

The National Institute of Geographic and Forestry Information is a public administrative institution whose mission is to ensure the production, […]

The Institute of Research for Development (IRD) is a French public scientific and technological institution under the supervision of the […]

The Interministerial Digital Department (DINUM) is in charge of the State’s digital transformation for the benefit of citizens and civil […]
Meteo France
Météo-France, a public administrative institution, is the official meteorological and climatological service in France. In this role, it carries out […]

PrestaShop is an open source web application that allows you to create an online store for the purpose of e-commerce. […]

European Commission
The European Commission is one of the main institutions of the European Union, along with the Council of the European […]

OVHcloud, formerly OVH, is a French company. Originally, it is a server hosting company, an Internet Service Provider (ISP), and […]
To know more about inno3
Our team
Discover our multi-disciplinary team of passionate men and women who are actively involved in building open models.
The 137
Come and meet us in our specially designed premises, in a model similar to that of coworking spaces, full of encounters and alongside people who share our values.
Our partners
Take a look at our ecosystem of partner stakeholders, so that we can offer our customers the best possible services to complement each other.