Commons model canvas
Since 2018, inno³ and the “Programme Société Numérique” (ANCT) have been working together to create resources and tools that can help people to understand how to use the commons in an open and collaborative way. Following on from the first outline devoted to governance issues presented at Numérique en Commun[s] (NEC) 2022, a similar exercise was continued in 2023 devoted to the economic dimension of the commons. It was presented and tested at Numérique en Commun[s] 2023.
Presentation of the Commons Model Canvas
The Commons Model Canvas is designed for digital commons project leaders, to help them think through and manipulate the main concepts involved in the commons approach: governance, economic issues and setting up a collaborative framework.
Content of the Commons Model Canvas
The Commons Model Canvas is designed to be modular, so you can pick and choose the elements that are most interesting to you and modify them to suit your needs.
Photograph of the Commons Model Canvas taken prior to the workshop held as part of Numérique en Commun[s] 2024 at the Palais de la Bourse in Bordeaux.
The shared version includes :
- A guide (Booklet) to using the canvas, containing a range of resources, advice and examples to help you get started.
- A set of 3 appropriation sheets to illustrate all the issues underlying the digital commons. The cards are double-sided, so that the issues raised by each stakeholder (front) and those of the community (back) are mirrored. The aim is to switch from ‘I’ to ‘We’ for each of these cards:
- Sheet 1 – “Presentation and Mission”: provides an overview of the project and each of the parties involved;
- Sheet 2 – “Convergence of actions”: describes the contribution of each stakeholder, the resources they mobilise and the rules of governance established in the community ;
- Sheet 3 – “Projection on a common model”: an exercise in taking a step back and projecting towards pre-determined timeframes (6 months, 2 years or 5 years) by linking scenarios onto a multidimensional action plan.
- Two canvas that can be used to reproduce the above-mentioned elements on several dimensions: currently governance and economic. They can be completed independently of each other :
- The “Canvas for the governance of digital commons”, which summarises the rules of governance, the structure and representation of the project community, articulated by actions and indicators; ;
- The “Canvas for the economic challenges of digital commons”, which summarises the economic issues of each stakeholder, taking into account their business model in particular, and compares them with the economic model of the joint venture in which they are participating.

Access to resources
All these resources are available on our GitLab. The aim of this Gitlab is to enable the creation of a community around the Commons Model Canvas and to provide a place where iterations on all the documents can be shared easily. It is also a way of bringing together in one place examples of completed versions of the Commons Model Canvas to help people get to know the tool.
How to run a workshop using the Commons Model Canvas – Our advice
Supports for the workshop
For a face-to-face workshop, we advise you to print out the worksheets and canvas on paper suitable for written use;
For an online workshop, you can use the .odp version, which can be completed using the pre-filled text fields. You can send the document in advance to make it easier to understand.
Time management is very important during the workshop to ensure that all the elements of the Commons Model Canvas are covered by the end of the workshop. It is possible to hold several sessions in order to complete all the information.
Facilitators can be present throughout the workshop to help participants complete the content and unblock any misunderstandings on certain issues.
We also advise you to take notes during the workshop, as well as photos of the content, which will make it easier to summarise the workshop.
Group composition
We advise you to form groups of 5 to 7 people per project, ideally with :
- The project leader, who will provide an overview;
- 2 or 3 contributors with different levels of expertise;
- 2 or 3 users to ensure that the needs identified are pragmatic.
The recommended time for the workshop will depend on a number of factors, such as the number of participants, the objectives set and the context. In all cases, you should allow a minimum of 2 hours to complete all 4 materials (3 sheets + Canevas).
Ideally, we recommend half a day (3 to 4 hours) – including an immersion part in the form of a presentation of projects or feedback – divided up as follows:
- Immersion : To prepare for the immersion, do not hesitate, as far as possible, to give a brief overview of the project: its history, its progress and the points that the workshop should help to resolve.
- Part 1 – Explore
- Each sheet contains questions with annotation areas to be completed as the discussion progresses,
- All the sheets can be used before completing the two canvas. The questions corresponding to each canvas are indicated by pictograms,
- Each of the sheets has two sides that interact to explore the project from an overall perspective, but also from the point of view of the stakeholders. In this way, each stakeholder’s vision of the project can be understood. Ultimately, it gives a concrete indication of everyone’s involvement in the project community:
- The front side corresponds to a stakeholder, an organisation taking part in the project;
- The reverse side corresponds to the common and the community. This side can also be filled in collectively.
- This is why the front of the sheets are written in the first person singular and the back in the first person plural.This language makes it easier to involve the players in these documents and to remind them to whom each question is addressed.
- Part 2 – Convergence
- Summary of governance canvas actions : The canvas enables us to refocus on the governance elements of a digital community project.It consists of a central section with :
- A visual representation of the community dynamic along 2 axes (dimension and level of contribution);
- The rules of governance and the various associated committees;
- The most appropriate legal structure for the nature of the project.
- These elements are surrounded by a number of actionable and measurable elements, taken directly from the 3 previous sheets.
- Summary of business model canvas actions : This canvas allows you to map out your business model, complementing those of the other community stakeholders, in order to build an economic model that is sustainable for the community and viable for the stakeholders. By supplementing the information provided in the sheets, the aim is to establish and negotiate a balance that is acceptable both individually and collectively.
- Summary of governance canvas actions : The canvas enables us to refocus on the governance elements of a digital community project.It consists of a central section with :
Support from the Laboratoire Société Numérique
The initial work is based on previous work carried out as part of the Labo Société Numérique and/or Numérique en Commun[s] (Canevas pour la gouvernance de communs numériques, Panorama des communs numériques, etc.), as well as on the expertise of inno³ and the ANCT. ), and finally on an in-depth reading of the grey literature dealing with the evolution of Business Model Canvas as well as already existing canvases such as the Circular Canvas or the Business Model Canvas produced by Strategyzer.
Commons Model Canvas history
The canvas for the governance of the digital commons
This tool is the result of a series of experiments and productions carried out over the last few years, in particular as part of a collaboration between inno³ and the Agence Nationale pour la Cohésion des Territoires (ANCT).
An initial version was used as part of a workshop entitled “Managing a community: what organisational model to use to make it work”, held during the 2022 edition of Numérique en commun[s].
Commons Model Canvas kit for NEC 2023
During Numérique en Commun[s] 2023, inno³ presented this kit to digital commons stakeholders during a workshop. This was an opportunity to test this first version of the kit and identify any misunderstandings pointed out by the first testers of the tool. The kit has already been enriched by exchanges and discussions from players involved in these issues.
Photograph taken during the workshop run by inno³ at Numériques en Commun[s] 2023 at the Palais de la Bourse in Bordedaux (photo by. Numérique en Commun[s]).
- Our Gitlab with all the content in French and in English