Adapting open science
This summary of the report of the “Successfully appropriating open science Project” presents in a more condensed way the context, methodology and results of a study on data practices in research.
General description of the study
The study Adapting Open Science was conducted as part of the mission «Réussir l’appropriation de la science ouverte» (making open science work) for the Committee for Open Science (CoSO). The study was carried out by a multidisciplinary team and expert from the “Data in Research” working group.
This project was conducted from May 2020 to December 2021 and involved three areas of study:
- Design and organization of Open Science Legal Workshops;
- Participation in the Electronic Lab Notebook working group;
- Adapting Open Science study, as described in the executive summary below.
The “Adapting Open Science” study was conducted as a field survey among practitioners in various disciplines to :
- Better understand the practices involved with data and their evolution in the context of open science;
- Understand the factors that distinguish these practices (discipline, research approach, etc.);
- To provide support tailored to the needs of different research communities.
Two main concerns were defined in this study:
- What factors should be considered to better understand the diversity of practices associated with the use of data in research?
- How can we support the evolution of data practices in relation to the incentives carried by “open science” public policies?
Célya Gruson-Daniel, Groupe Projet Réussir L’Appropriation De La Science Ouverte. Summary of the study : Adapting Open Science. [Research Report] Comité pour la science ouverte. 2022, pp.29 Pages. ⟨hal-03800470⟩
- Presentation of the mission on Ouvrir la science (in French)
- GitLab repository of the project
- Décliner la science ouverte : Rapport final (HAL, in french)