EclipseCon 2020 : Rewatch the keynote on innovation ecosystems (video)
EclipseCon is dedicated to developers, architects, and open source business leaders to learn about Eclipse technologies, share best practices, and more.
In 2020, Benjamin Jean, CEO of inno³, presented a talk about how Open Source is building more efficient and sustainable digital solutions.
Facing the digital age and embracing the “open innovation paradigm,” an increasing number of industrial players have developed ecosystem strategies to innovate in a more sustainable and efficient manner. In practice, this means building and managing open resources (software, data, materials) that they identify as useful to their activity.
However, for both private and public actors, this innovation involves substantial economic, cultural, and legal changes. Ecosystems need to build strong frameworks of mutual trust and common interest in order to go beyond classical boundaries (public/private, client/provider, organization/individual). In several cases, open source had proven to be the key, enabling such strategies to produce and maintain concrete resources.
We will explore this phenomenon through different feedback from key sectors: spatial, mobility, energy, and more, analyzing how each of them have managed their journey. We’ll highlight specific characteristics of their collaboration frameworks: scope, goals, legal framework (licensing, trademarks, patents), business models, etc.
Practical Information
When : Monday 19th, 14:00 – 14:30 CET
Where : Virtual event
Speaker : Benjamin Jean, CEO inno³
Description: Event website
Collectif inno³